Santa Claus, an old man who is wearing a red outfit and red hat, riding his deer and sending the Christmas gift from the chimney of one house to another,which is a core image of Christmas recalled by everyone around the world.

You know, we have talked about Christmas before. The fact that Christmas is the birthday of the god called Jesus Christ, a great festival annually celebrated by Christians worldwide. I know you may confuse that why Santa Claus is related to this festival. Next, let’s learn about something about Santa Claus.

How did Santa Claus appear at the first time

Santa Claus is a combination of different legends and mysterious human figures. Legend has it that Santa Claus appeared in Scandinavia thousands of years ago. In the Nordic mythology, Odin, the god of wisdom, art, poetry, and war, riding his horse to gallop around in the cold winter . He punished evil and promotes good, and distributes gifts. At the same time, his son Thor wore a red suit and used lightning as a weapon to fought a fierce battle with the ice and snow gods, finally defeating the cold. According to pagan legends, Santa Claus is a descendant of the god Odin.

In the most well-known story, Saint Nicholas was the figure that Santa claus was originate from. Saint Nicholas, who lived in the city of Mella in Asia Minor in the 4th century AD. He donated all his property to the poor, joined the church himself, and served the society for life. Later, Nicholas became a priest and was promoted to a bishop. Nicholas liked to help poor people in secret and did many charities in his life. After his death, people called him Santa Claus, an old man with a white beard in a red robe and a red hat.  

A place where Santa Clauses are living —Christmas Village

"Genuine Santa Claus" refers to the "Santa Claus" registered in Santa Claus Village, Lapland Province, Northern Finland, the hometown of Santa Claus. There are currently only 50 licensed "Santa Clauses" in the world. The fee of their appearance is quite expensive.

Santa Claus’s House is located in Rovaniemi (within the Arctic Circle) in Finnish Lapland.


Winter is an annually busy season for Santas.

It is said that Santa Claus from all over the world will have a "World Santa Claus Annual Meeting" every year, while the Finnish Santa Claus never participates in this event. The reason is that they think Santa Claus is a self-evident fact in their own country, and there is no other party at all. Finland is quiet and peaceful, like a paradise, the best place that Santa Claus to live there.

Merchandises related to Santa Claus on the market

Santa Claus is a kind and generous image in people’s mind and popular among the globe. As the Christmas approaching, lots of new Christmas products shaped like Santa Claus and his deer will spring up on the market. I wanna tall you that there are wonderful Christmas neon signs shaped like Santa Claus、snowflake、jungle bell also listing on our shop. Wanna have one to decorate your room, just buy it now.







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