Zodiac, in astronomy and astrology, a belt around the heavens extending 9° on either side of the ecliptic, the plane of Earth’s orbit and of the Sun’s apparent annual path. The 12 astrological signs of the zodiac are each considered to occupy 1/12 (or 30°) of its great circle. The zodiac is divided into 12 constellations, called the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Followed by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Greek mythology of 12 Constellations


Philip. Seth, the prince of Biotia, was in danger with his stepmother’s conspiracy. Hermes sent a golden sheep to save Philip and his sister.

After being rescued, Phillips sacrificed the beautiful golden sheep to the gods.


Taurus is a transformation of Zeus. Zeus turned into a bull to attract Princess Europa He took the princess to Crete, where they gave birth to Minos.


Gemini is related to the legend of the brothers Castor and Pollux. Castor was killed in a battle. Zeus suggested that he and his brother take turns to use the remaining time, Pollux agreed, and the brothers began to use the same body in turn.


Cancer is a crab. Hera sent a crab to help Hydra against Hercules. Although she failed in the end, Hera placed it among the stars in recognition of her efforts.


Hercules killed the Nemean giant lion while performing a mission, so it became the sign of Leo.


Virgo is related to Estelaia, the daughter of the goddess of justice Themis, and she symbolizes purity and innocence.



Libra is represented by the balance of Themis, representing justice and fairness.


Scorpio is related to the giant Orion who was a great hunter. He and the goddess of hunting Artemis gave birth to a child. Artemis' younger brother Apollo wanted to keep his sister pure, so he sent a scorpion to kill Orion.


Chiron, who is the wisest of the Sagittarius, and he is an excellent heroic mentor.


Capricorn sign is a goat with a fish tail. Zeus gave birth to Pan with the goat that he grew up suckling. In the confrontation between Typhon and Zeus, Pan plunged into the water and turned into a fish tail.


The sign of Aquarius is related to Ganymedes. His job is to fill the bowl and cup of God with the eternal nectar. In order to comfort Ganymedes' parents, Zeus created Aquarius. So when they see Aquarius, they think of their son.


The sign of Pisces is still related to Typhon’s rebellion. In order to avoid Typhon, Eros and Aphrodite also jumped into the water and became two fish.

The Constellations nowadays

The 12 constellations have always been a topic of particular concern for young people today. In fact, there is a systematic theory called astrology supporting the constellations. In the United States, many people believe in Susan Miller, an astrologer known as the "American Goddess", and even plan for their life based on Susan's analysis by astrology.


Do you believe western zodiac signs

What is your zodiac sign, and how much do you know about your zodiac sign? Nowadays, many young people say they don’t believe in the constellation, but they will unconsciously bring the horoscope into their own horoscope. This is a very interesting phenomenon. My clients often customize the zodiac neon signs on their birthdays or their friends’ birthdays as the birthday gifts. It is not only a neon light shaped as the western zodiac sign, but also a beautiful bedroom decoration light. The colorful light creates a strong sense of mystery at night. Just come and pick the one for yourself.


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