Beer, a kind of drink for entertainment,  is the third most popular alcoholic beverage after water and tea nowadays. Archaeological evidence suggests that beer has been brewing in Asia and Europe since the Neolithic Age (7000 BC). Are you surprised? The beer we drink today evolved from an accidental discovery thousands of years ago. So where did beer come from?

The history about beer

Beer originated 6000 BC, the Sumerians living in Mesopotamia, they brewed the original beer from malted barley, but the beer was not rich in foam.

The fact that the nomads discovered that rain-soaked wild barley fermented by natural yeast in the air produced a liquid with bubbles by chance. Someone took a chance and found the liquid sweet and exciting, and beer was born.


When did humans start brewing their own beer? When we left off, beer was an accidental discovery by nomadic people in the Neolithic period. When nomadic people discovered this delicious liquid, they began to collect wild barley and wheat, and soaked barley in water and allowed it to ferment naturally in the air.


Then, about 3000 BC, the Semitic people in Persia learned to make beer, and they also carved the method of making beer on the board, dedicated to the goddess of agriculture. In 2225 BC, beer became popular among the Ancient Babylonians, who used it to entertain guests.


At that time, the ancient Egyptians and Ancient Babylonians noticed the medicinal value of beer and used it to make medicines. The Greeks were also great beer drinkers and learned how to make beer from the Egyptians.



Beer under the Industrial Revolution

The development of industrial revolution makes beer possible to produce and control large-scale low-temperature environment. Pilsner, Czech republic, made a new lager, named Pilsner (pictured below, the first Urquell, bring people  the taste with its cool, low-intensity, aromatic, and bright body, and took beer history by leaps and bounds. Today, the beer has a large industry, from local commerce to international corporations, which brings people great  benefit in economy.


Beer and Beer lovers today

The era has also become a major factor to determine the development of beer. As human beings slowly enter the post-industrial and Internet era, productivity has been greatly improved, and people's requirements for life have changed from food and clothing to more spiritual enjoyment, requiring more entertainment. Ordinary industrial Pilsen can no longer meet the demands of the people, people demand more interesting drinks. Led by the United States, the climax of beer craft brewing movement began in the 70s of last century. various beer associations were established throughout the world.

You may know the word “beer lover”, which means that someone who enjoys drinking beer a lot, most of them also have a space like the lockers or storage room to place some collection about beer. If I have such a place to collect my favorite beers, I will decorate it with my own style firstly. The first and essential one is the light. Neon sign will be my best choice. Hanging a  neon sign with its beer pattern on the wall, makes the place, I can feel more atmosphere so that I enjoy the beer or have a beer party with my friends in the house.  

Now, we have some beautiful neon sign shaped as beer in the shop, and they are welcomed by dozens of customers, you can check them in detail on the listing in our shop.

Polaris Sign
"Light up your life with something more!